Thursday, March 13, 2008

Moving on

Many changes have come into my my life in the last year and a half and one of them has been moving to Hulhumale, the artificial half-formed island a few kilometres north of Male.

Many of my once close friends in Male, where I was born and bred, have no idea of the impact of these changes. But I've been lucky enough to make new friends who've shared and supported my attempts to build something of a new life out here.

As someone who likes an active lifestyle involving physical exercise, a healthy diet, and hard work (in my case filmmaking) Hulhumale seems an obvious choice to drop the anchor. Although it took some time to adapt to the new routine, initially, for instance, I had to commute to and from Male for my short-term but full-time job, I now feel that I'm 'acclimatised' to my new life. I'm still behind work, but catching up fast, and in a fortnight or so, hope to start looking for regular, meaningful work.

I'm currently editing a making of documentary for an Indian feature film and also writing the script for a short film to be made on my new home island. Sha-sha and Ya-ya, fellow-filmmakers, came to photograph Hulhumale and to look at some of the planned locations for this film, and I hope they don't mind me putting an image grab of them in this post.

I still think of my close friends back in Male with whom I used to interact regularly, to share thoughts on things going on around the world and within ourselves. But these are gradually becoming a thing of the past. It's amazing how a few kilometres can make such a big difference to friendship.

Fortunately my active lifestyle, my new friends, my work, and my plans for future work are keeping me busy.

I have just rented a nice place on Hulhumale for an year.

So, I don't think I will be returning to Male.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice post. Moving away does have its effects, friends you met weekly dwindle soon. Yet after a point you realize that whether you meet or dont, your closest friends will always be your close friends. Reliable and ready to bring a smile to the world.

1:16 PM  
Blogger MARTIN said...

Hi Al,

I recognise alot of what you're saying here in this post. Today more people left work and no doubt there will be more to come and new faces will emerge. I'm getting to the point though where even the old faces just don't appear in my life and they are a few desks away not even miles!
The break to your new home (damn I should have pasted that in earlier!) that I visited a year or so ago, is it getting busier? In any case the island itself was really nice but the fear is it will become popular and then the landscape will change...
Film what you can when you can AL - I have a feeling your home won't be the same in a year or two's time and that magnificent desolation needs to be captured!

5:51 PM  
Blogger Shaari said...

i'm ok with the photo, yaya might have a problem. lets see what he says...

3:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have nothing against the photo either... just that you discouraged saffah from let us film him. he does not trust you with a camera.

1:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life is short. Make the most of it. Sometimes you may evolve as something else perhaps!! Friends may leave or remain with you. Nothing can take away the memories of them you have!

9:25 PM  

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