Thursday, December 08, 2005

Beyond Himalaya: Xigatse

Xigatse 3900metres, 5 December

-Most people on the tour seemed to be suffering from the altitude sickness. Indeed, a German girl had to be transported back to Katmandu overnight. Unlike the Everest trek, the Tibet tour seemed to rely on Diamox, the drug for altitude sickness, rather than proper acclimatisation. Thankfully, having been on 5600metres only 10 days ago, we didnèt seem to suffer even the mild symptoms of altitude sickness.

-We visited the 15th century Tashinpo Monastry, with its colleges and the residence of the Panchen Lamas. It was like a self-contained town, with its resident monks and people milling about, in and aout of narrow lanes.

-Xigatse itself had a Chinese feel with wide, clean streets, shops and government offices.


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