Thursday, December 08, 2005

Beyond Himalaya: Last words

Note: Muha and I are back in Katmandu, our base camp. Muha has a slight cold, but apart from that we are healthy. Many thanks to the comments of all our friends, it's wonderful to know people are following our journey. We tried to add the Tibet trip to the blog back in Lhasa, but because the computers were in Chinese language we clicked the wrong buttons and discovered, on arrival in Katmandu, that the posts were saved as drafts and not actually published. Martin and others wondering who took the photos, they're all Muha's. I did the video which I hope you can all see one day.

Muha says of Tibet: The Tibetan landscape, and mountain views, are more beautiful than in Nepal. The villages and the old parts of the towns, especially in Lhasa, are also very beautiful.

Al says of Tibet: Although we planned the Tibet tour as a side-trip to our Everest trek, it has since become its own unique experience. The stark moonlike landscape of the Tibetan plateau and its hardy inhabitants, struggling to survive in the cold and the marginal conditions that exist here, will remain in my thoughts and, hopefully help make me a better human being.

P.S: Vishal, Muha and I are still alive and eating rather a lot.


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